Business Tips Founders Global Business Start Up

Fireside Chat with Kim Griffin Founder of Griffin OT

“An Entrepreneurs Journey” With Occupational Therapist and sensory expert

Coming to you all the way from London, UK, our special guest and entrepreneur this week is a big traveller who Mark Phillips the founder of Business in Bare Feet met in Spain 13 years ago, and have been friends ever since.

Three years ago Kim decided to embark on her entrepreneurial journey to make Occupational Therapy affordable and available to everyone. So she started off on the adventure of bringing OT online with a mission to  OT affordable and accessible to all who needed it.


Below is the live chat with Kim, which she shares how she got started. It’s always an interesting discussion because we all have a reason for starting something like this but how many of us make it? Kim is determined and highly skilled in her profession, however in saying that, when you listen to her Fireside chat in the video below you realise that we have our struggles and here are some of the things covered in the chat and recommends from her 3-year journey so far. And she has gotten her business to a stage where she has replaced her full-time job income and is truly making a difference in her space of Online OT.

In the Video Kim covers a lot of her story and what it takes to be a trainer, teacher to becoming an entrepreneur and here are just some of the things sh covers:

  1. Ask lots of questions – entrepreneurs are curious and want to solve the problem.
  2. logo’s and names can come later.
  3. Affordability matters – how to find the logical argument.
  4. Reach out to advisers that you trust and respect.
  5. Know that there is lots of help available and how Kim discovered it herself.
  6. Stats and data matter
  7. Audience matters, while you are building a product – Finding the correct audience, can take some time.
  8. Value is not determined by what you think – Trail and error discovering your value.
  9. Own your space – You may feel like an entrepreneur or founder and but that’s ok.


Tips and Takeaways

I am sure after listening to the video you have your own takeaways but throughout the week we will pop out some tips and takeaways for you to chomp on for your own entrepreneurial journey.


SandTracks Virtual Coworking is our community of regional startups entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world gathering on our SandTracks Virtual Coworking Facebook community where you get daily prompts to promote your business on Mondays connect with others on Tuedays on another platform and have some fun. We share with you daily motivation and we have events. It’s just like a normal coworking space but without the constant distraction and you can interact once a day and ask questions or share what you are curious about in regards to your business.

And to wrap it up…

We are here to help regional startups and entrepreneurs to get the help they need while being remote and for the digital nomads and remote workers who need help as they travel the world and build a business. Our team of global mentors are available to our Sandtracks CLUB members. This is a virtual business incubator available to you on a quarterly basis.

With COVID 19 doing it’s ultimate damage to business across the world, we have made our Global Mentors in the SandTracks CLUB ultra available and affordable. Our price WAS $249USD per quarter (for three months) which is very reasonable and now it’s only $97 for a quarter (yes! three months) this gives you full access to our mentors and literally pocket size mentors available to you on your smartphone. Imagine having a team of global mentors in your pocket!

quote - Make the days count
Daily quote

Lastly, how can we help you? know you are never alone.

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