Business Tips Fireside event Founders Start Up

Make Marketing Your Daily Priority – Interview with Shelley Hutchinson LinkedIn Expert

Watch the Interview HERE

It was music to my ears, here was our podcast guest telling our audience that marketing should be the first thing you do every day.

For this marketer from way back, it was a cool reminder that maybe I had not taken my own medicine and let even my marketing slip.

Then it happened again on another call today, make marketing your DAILY priority.

This week we had Shelley Hutchinson, a leading United Kingdom LinkedIn expert on our fireside chat and we talked everything LinkedIn, but more broadly marketing.

Marketing has always been a dilemma for business and social media, especially, has made it seemingly more simple, yet more complicated to connect with our market.

Shelley was on the show to talk to us about LinkedIn in particular but so much of what she had to say resonated across the marketing spectrum for me.

I especially loved the inbound / outbound discussion. (Found at around 14 minutes in the video)

Inbound Lead Generation

When we focus on in bound – which many of the social strategies do – we are creating content that has direct correlation to both our direct market and those we may not see but like what we are on about.

Typically in bound is content driven with strong call to action to take your suspect / prospect to the next step.

Inbound efforts also attract the “Lurker” those just hanging about with you, not necessarily tyre kickers but not engaged yet either.

Outbound Lead Generation

Outbound lead generation is more intentional and is the online version of cold / warm calling. These are people in our market we are actively going after.

Online this might look like sending out direct messages, putting a sales funnel in place and automating it as much as you can.

Outbound lead generation is well thought out, like a series of live sales calls, engaging the suspect to prospect to engaged client via a journey of connects, messages, emails and calls.

A typical end journey for outbound lead generation is to lead the online prospect to some form of a live call to assess next steps.

What Can You Do To Make Marketing Your Priority?

  1. Decide you are going to focus on this!
  2. Know who you are targeting – get comfortable with a niche
  3. Build a great message or series of messages for that market
  4. Begin to provide appropriate content to that market via 2 or 3 social channels
  5. Create both inbound and outbound strategies to capture your prospects
  6. Provide a vehicle to engage your prospects – free call, webinar, free book, group therapy…
  7. Check out Shelley’s LinkedIn coaching offerings at
  8. Let’s make marketing a priority today – what are you going to do to make marketing the first thing you do today and every day?

Watch the full interview with Shelley HERE.

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