Business Tips Fireside event Founders Global Business Start Up

Securing Your Startup Online – Fireside Chat with Gueorgui Gotzev

From my days in marketing and working closely in the cyber security space, and seeing how big business struggles with digital security, protections and legal issues, I often wondered how startups and entrepreneurs would be able to manage this ever increasing complex world. Especially digital nomads, the challenges are enormous and for a small business, […]

Business Tips Fireside event Founders Start Up

Financial Literacy for Start Ups – Interview with Troy Schoenfisch – Startup Financial Advisor

Watch the Interview HERE Financial leadership in the startup / entrepreneurial world is sadly lacking amongst business owners today. Recognizing this challenge we decided to invite Troy Schoenfisch to the fireside to chat about financial literacy, what a startup needs, what a scale up needs and what investors are looking for. Troy has worked with […]

Business Tips Fireside event Founders Global Business

Learning From The Setbacks Of Scaling – Dr Tamer Shahin

“There is nothing more exciting scaling business, there is also nothing more dangerous” Jonathan Brake – Co-Founder Business In Bare Feet. So your business is growing exponentially, things are going great, you feel successful and then one day you find things are not as it seems and it all comes collapsing down on top of […]

Business Tips Founders Mentoring Moments Start Up

The Greatest Barrier To A Successful Business – Its Not What You Think!

Another Mentoring Moment Jono Brake our executive coach goes live every Tuesday on Instagram for Mentoring Moments to share some bite-size moments to help you pull down the barriers and create success in business. Since the beginning of March 2020 throughout COVID 19, Jono has been going live on Facebook but the team thought it […]