Business Tips Culture Founders Global Business

Fireside Chat – An Entrepreneurs Journey with Mike Baer in the USA

Fireside Chat with Mike Baers – Global Entrepreneur, Executive Coach & Thought Leader

Another great week of incredible people and wonderful conversations. This week we had the pleasure of a fireside chat with a global entrepreneur Mike Baer that bought up some really great thought-provoking topics.

We also put together a short video for you to summarise some Tips & Takeaways and how to find and connect with Mike Baer on his social media and LinkedIn profiles.

Join us each week for our Fireside chats with “An Entrepreneurs-Journey” with real entrepreneurs with real stories to help you the regional entrepreneur, founder and remote worker on your journey to doing great things and give you the support you need.

If you are looking for a community of regional Entrepreneurs, hubs and remote workers we have a free Facebook community for you to join. Our community started at the beginning of COVID19 to support regional coworking spaces to connect and regional startups to interact globally.

Our SandTracks VIrtual Coworking has grown through that time so we invite you to join us and add to a beautiful community

In our community we support you daily with so fun and daily motivation quotes and startup focused content. We run 3 events a week with our team, starting with Mentoring Moments with Executive coach Jono Brake in the USA and then midweek we have a special guest entrepreneur sharing their story. We often interview our team of incredible 27+ Global Mentors as well. Then finally on Fridays, we have our Global Coworking which is free for all jump in and join us and tell us what’s happening on your side of the world.


The SandTracks CLUB

With 2020 serving up a load of disruption and crippling no only countries by also regional communities so we decided to offer you a very special price into our coworking community. NOT $249 per QUARTER (three months) it is only $97 a quarter. Get access to our team of mentors for Group mentoring. We know that you can get so much value from this and we are dedicated in our efforts to be there for you.

Adventure on!

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