Tami Holzman
Business Tips Founders Global Business Start Up

An Entrepreneurs Journey Focused On Female Founders

Fireside Chat With Tami Holzman

Wow! What fun Fireside Chat with this superwoman

You can’t help but feel comfortable welcomed when you’re around Tami. We had the pleasure to chat with this amazing woman Tami Holzman how is an incredible soul inside and out.  She is the most giving person, and one of the best Authors to read because she’s of her wicked sense of humour.  Totally real spins out a few ‘F’ bombs here and there and gets away with it with style, not many people can do that in my books.

As a startup mentor, Investor, Advisor and Author of From C Student to C Suit, this woman is an ever-ready bunny and super fun. And I have to say, Her first book, C Student to C Suit is one of the best books I have read, I felt like she was telling my story I really resonated with it and highly recommend it.

Coming from the Entertainment industry as a producer, Tami knows how to keep you engaged and have some fun. Now as an adviser and Investor of Startups in the USA she’s been helping startups for some time now, to the point where Forbes recently recognised her has a Champion of Female Founders. 

Footprints To Follow From The Experts 

Known as the Queen Connector Tami Holzman is caring and supportive in everything she does. 

Tips and Takeaways 4 mins video

Make sure you watch to the end of the tips and Takeaways 4 min video above so that you can see how to connect with Tami on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.


Diversity was the key takeaway throughout the conversation with With Tami so here are some things that we covered, she ends that interview saying something to the effect of diversity being the key it’s where you learn the most.

See what else we covered here:

  • Why it’s important to share your story
  • Why it’s important right now to be more aggressive in standing out of the crowd
  • Why LinkedIn is a great tool
  • Why it is important to persevere through the tuff times
  • What investors are investing in now in the USA
  • What are industries and product that are recession-proof
  • Statistics of why it’s beneficial not just to be diverse in your team but why it’s beneficial to have a female founder or cofounder
  • Why we need more female investors
  • Why it’s important to stand by your core values when choosing an investor
  • COVID impact on Female Founders globally
  • Why it’s the perfect time to reach out to people who can help you
  • Why woman jobs are more at threat today and how we are regressing back to 1950
  • How to work through imposters syndrome
  • Why Mums make great entrepreneurs and why now is the best time to start
  • Why it’s important to no be intimidated by investors


Tami comes out with some pearlers (as we Australians would say) meaning gems of information, as we would say in Australia and lets it rip every now and then and that’s what we love about her! Oh yes, and prior warning; be prepared to have a good laugh and be entertained throughout.

Tami Holzman – Author of C-student to C-Suit

We are always here for you…

We have plenty of ways we can help you on your journey as an entrepreneur & hubs to join in on a global conversation.

At the beginning of COVID 19, we decided to open Virtual coworking space to assist those who are not able to get to there local coworking spaces and to still have a community. Our Community is growing daily and we invite you to come along and join in. Like all coworking spaces, we have events for you to join in with such as Mentoring Moments on Instagram and Facebook and our weekly Fireside chat with an entrepreneurs journey.

These events which are full of great entrepreneurs who are not overly famous they are successful, but hey, define success? These guys are in the trenches building a business, however, have usually been in the game for 2-5 years. We do this so that you can relate to the journey and learn directly from there experience.

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