Chris Hykin USA
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Here Come The Big Guns – Manufacturing Expert Chris Hykins Shares His Journey With The Team

Fireside Chat with Christopher Hykin on “An Entrepreneurs Journeys”

Join Executive Coach Jono Brake in the USA  and May King Tsang based In London UK one of our global mentors.  For this Fireside chat. This dynamic duo of mentors has a Fact-filled chat with Nth Carolina Manufacturing expert on his journey as an Entrepreneurs.

Learn from those who have gone before you. Those who have navigated the ever-shifting sands of business in all forms.

From the why he started his own hardware manufacturing and innovating and designing his own guns to take to market. Being driven by solving a problem and what drives Chris as an entrepreneur.

What I love about this fireside side chat is Chris has the experience as an intrapreneur working as a leader in manufacturing and understands intricately. He knows first hand what it takes to build something great. But he also understands and has implemented what de didn’t like and what he would do differently in his own business of manufacturing.

Listen to the full fireside chat and get some footprints that you can follow in your our business.


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We have you covered here at Business in Bare Feet. Over the decade that we have been operating, we have pulled together some incredible minds that are giving back to there community. They give their time to help you grown your beautiful business.

Don’t get me wrong, you will make mistake but when you do you have a community of people to help you through. As long as you are learning as you go and you are surrounding yourself with the right people then you are on track.

SandTracks is a free remote Coworking Space a community we started at the beginning of COVID. We built this group to support you on the journey of working from anywhere working remotely and building something great.




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